DELTA Safety Training update about the Measures related to the Corona virus disease

New dispensation measures

Posted by Delta Safety on 22 december 2020 11:53:27 CET

New dispensation measures ( last update 16/12/2020)


  • OPITO initially does not give dispensation for expired certificates.
  • There is an 2 months ‘’period of grace’’ to refresh your certificate. (in this period your certificate is not valid)
  • Under the following circumstances OPITO will consider dispensation:

    1. The delegate lives in a country which is in a state of lockdown and all the training centers are closed. The delegate needs to provide OPITO with evidence of this. OR:
    2. The delegate need to stay in quarantine. This also needs to be proved with evidence by the delegate.
    All information can be found on the following link: OPITO dispentsation

  • GWO has a 60 days flexibility period for refreshing existing training.
  • This means that you can refresh your certificate up till 60 days after your certificate is expired.
  • Your certificate is NOT valid in these 60 days.
  • This flexibility period will last until 30/06/2021


When your certificate expires on or after 15/12/2020, your certificate will be extended automatically until 01/04/2021. This will be automatically adjusted in the digital diploma register of the SIR.


When your diploma expires between 15/12/2020 and 19/01/2021, dispensation until 01/04/2021 will be granted automatically. During this period the diploma holders can work with this extended certificate.

  • The NIBHV has no dispensation regulation. NIBHV has a ‘’coulance regulation’’ this means that the training facility (DELTA Safety Training) can decide to accept a delegate with a expired certificate on a refresher training. We will discuss this with our clients.
  • Oranje Kruis
  • The Orange Cross has a ‘’coulance regulation’’ for 6 months. This means that you have 6 months extra time, to refresh your current certificate.
  • NOGEPA has a dispensation regulation. When your certificate expires in the period from 15/12/2020 untill 15/02/2021 will be granted an dispensation until 15/02/2021.
  • This means, that with this dispensation you can refresh your expired certificate until 15/02/2021. (with an expired certificate from 15/02/2020 – 15/02/2021).
  • These dispensations needs to be requested by the training provider. So if you want to request for this dispensation please contact us.



Update COVID-19 measures DELTA Safety Training

Dear relation,

It has not escaped anyone's notice that the growth in the number of COVID-19 infections is once again calling for measures to be taken.

In view of the number of questions we receive, we would like to stress once again that our training centre complies with RIVM guidelines, also taking into account the measures announced last week. To guarantee safety, it goes without saying that everyone must comply with the regulations.

Everyone can thus be trained safely.

These are the measures we took in short:

  •  Measure body temperature on entry.
  •  If you have a cold, headache, sore throat, fever, diarrhoea, you will be
    refused entry to the training centre. A new date will be scheduled.
  • Disinfect hands when entering the training centre.
  • Hand sanitiser is available at various places in the training centre.
  • Keep 1.5 metre distance from each other · One direction traffic in the training centre. 
  • Wearing a mouth mask
  • If possible, staff works from home. ·
  • The staff calls people into account if they do not comply with the measures according to RIVM ( National Institute for Public Health and the Environment)

Mouth masks

Participants and staff wear masks as soon as they walk. This can be walking through the corridors, the canteen, or our practice hall.

Wearing a mouth mask is not mandatory if:

  • the participants are seated their seats in the classroom
  • the participants are seated in their seats in the restaurant
  • the participants are seated in their seats in the practice hall


As announced at the press conference of october 13th, a maximum of 30 people is allowed in one (indoor) room. There is an exception to this maximum for training centres. However, we have taken various measures to restrict large numbers in one room (e.g. lunch and coffee breaks in timeslots)

Watch our preventive mesuares video

Update dispensatieregeling certificerende instanties

Beste relatie,

Graag informeren wij u over de laatste dispensatie meldingen vanuit de gecertificeerde instanties. Let op sommige deadlines zijn aangescherpt



  • Als het eerder behaalde VCA/SOG-diploma tussen 13 maart en 1 juli 2020 verloopt, krijgt een kandidaat tijdelijk uitstel en moet hij/zij voor 1 september 2020 examen doen;
  • Als het eerder behaalde VCA/SOG diploma na 1 juli 2020 verloopt, moet de kandidaat voor de verloopdatum examen doen. Er kan dus niet worden gewacht tot 1 september.Voor deze situatie is de dispensatie regeling niet meer van toepassing.
  • De dispensatie geldt voor alle VCA en SOG-diploma’s;
Lees hier het volledige bericht van de site van SSVV
Oranje kruis
Het Oranje Kruis

Sinds 15 juni is het weer mogelijk examens aan te vragen voor het diploma Eerste Hulp, certificaat Eerste Hulp aan kinderen en certificaat Levensreddend Handelen.

 Lees hier het volledige bericht op de site van Het Oranje Kruis



Lees hier de laatste NIBHV Covid-19 updates 

 GWO Winda OPITO accreditatie voor DELTA Safety Training
GWO en OPITO       
GWO en OPITO verlengt zijn dispensatieregeling met nog 60 dagen. Dit betekent dat wanneer uw certificaat voor het eind van dit jaar verloopt dat u twee maanden extra de tijd krijgt om uw certificaat te refreshen.  

Lees hier het volledige bericht op de site van Global Wind Organisation

Lees hier het volledige bericht op de site van OPITO



Lees hier het volledige bericht van het NOGEPA Covid-19 beleid



Vanaf 1 juni kunnen de reguliere maximumaantallen weer gehanteerd worden uiteraard inachtneming van de afstand-en hygiënemaatregelen. 

De geldigheid van de certificaten die verliepen/verlopen in de periode van 16 maart tot en met 6 juli 2020m, is verlengd naar 7 juli 2020. Dit beteken dat alle kandidaten waarvan het certificaat 7 verloopt, voor die tijd zullen moeten deelnemen aan een (opfris)opeliding en/of (verlengings)examen.


Lees hier het volledige bericht op de site van SIR

Plannig DELTA

Due to the expected crowds from September, we kindly request you to discuss your training needs with us in time.  We want to provide everyone with the best possible service to fulfill the training needs as desired.
Do you have any questions about the certification bodies' dispensation schemes or would you like to discuss your training needs? Click on the button below to schedule an appointment with Marlous Doeven.

Schedule an appointment

Training in 1,5 meter culture

During the press conference last Tuesday it became clear that we in the Netherlands have to adjust to the 1.5 meter culture for a longer period of time. This means that your colleagues may also need to train in smaller groups in the long term than you were used to. We understand that it is extremely important for your organization to be able to provide your colleagues with the right training in time, so that they have the right competences to be able to carry out work safely.

To ensure the safety of your colleagues and our team, we currently offer our training for smaller groups of up to four people. However, we are busy further adapting our training center, so that we can still guarantee safety and 1.5 meters for larger groups. For example, we are setting up walkways and walking routes and we are also arranging our classrooms in a different way, so that classroom training is possible in the long term.

Inventory of training needs

Efficient planning helps ensure that your people can follow training courses in good time. We would therefore like to ask you to contact us so that we can provide in your training needs and adjust our offer / open registrations accordingly. In this way we can match supply and demand as well as possible.

 UPDATE 17 april 2020 15:10:28

Training in Corona time 

The first training sessions took place last week. To guarantee the safety of both the delegates and our instructors, we have offered the theory digitally via Microsoft Teams. The practical part subsequently took place (in one-to-one sessions or in small groups) in our training center. Fortunately, the initial reactions of our delegates were very positive!

It turned out that there were virtually no problems with our delegates attending the Microsoft Teams session. Our specially designed helpdesk was able to help remotely quickly and everyone was able to follow the theory without any problems

Train when it suits you

Since we can only receive a limited number of participants in our training center at the same time, we are required to be very flexible with our planning. As a result, we do not stick to our own open registration dates, but we will work with you to find a date that suits your colleagues best. Our sales team and customer support are happy to help you with this.

Our current training offer

The training offer is currently limited. Of course we do everything we can to provide all training courses in the shortest possible time. You can contact us for the following training courses:

  • Handling Loads
  • Flange fitter
  • Forklift 
  • Elevated Working Platform
  • Independent Respiratory Protection
  • Small Extinguishers
  • Gas measurement
  • 1.4 Gas Measurement NOGEPA
  • Manhole Watch
  • Working at height
  • Socket Pouring Course
  • GWO Working at Heights
  • GWO Manual Handling
  • GWO Fire Awareness
  • GWO Sea Survival
  • STCW Security Awareness
  • OPITO E-Bosiet including practice day

    When we can add new courses to the above training offer, we will inform you immediately.

    We thank you for your understanding and wish you and your colleagues a lot of health and safety.


 UPDATE 6 april 2020 14:11:28

Our training facilities are open again!

The Corona virus keeps us all busy every day. As you have read in the previous reports, we do everything we can to serve our clients.

Our director has therefore recorded a personal video message that he would like to share with you.

Watch our video

This is a unique and unprecedented time. Things have changed. Everyone is asked to work from home, fairs and events have been postponed, most personal appointments have been canceled, etc. Anyway, these are the times to be creative and innovative. because now that we know this, we can adapt to this new situation. Our number 1 priority today is to help where we can and provide the service you are used from us.


We would like to inform you that we will start training again from April 6!


 In a different way than you are used to from us, but one thing is certain; safety and health of the delegates and employees are paramount. In everything we follow the guidelines of the RIVM and we also have the approval of various authorities to provide our training in this way. The theory will take place digitally and the practical part of the training 1 by 1 or in very small groups in our training center.

Unfortunately, due to social distancing, it is not possible to provide all training courses. So do not hesitate to contact us about the options we have.

Marlous and Niels are happy to help you with personal advice. In a personal appointment we will explain which training courses we can offer and how we ensure that the absolute safety of your employees is guaranteed!


UPDATE 26 2020 11:07:18 PM

After objections from various trainingcenters, we can inform you that the news of 24 March from the SSVV has been adjusted:

The SSVV urgently advises all exam centers and trainingcenters to postpone group, physical VCA and SOG exams and courses for the time being. We cannot formally oblige them to do so, provided they always take their professional responsibility and make every effort to protect the health and safety of their candidates and employees. Our dispensation scheme also ensures that there is no immediate need for a large group of people to take exams now.

For the full Corona news from the SSVV, I refer you to: measures-vanwege-coronavirus

All the best


UPDATE 25 2020 13:46:57 PM

Following the additional measures announced yesterday by the government, SSVV decided yesterday that all group, physical VCA and SOG exams should be postponed to at least June 1, 2020. We recognize that this has major consequences for clients working in the Petrochemical industry.

We want to inform you that we do everything we can to find possibilities to help you. We believe that taking the exam one by one or in small groups with a minimum distance of 1.5 meters between the delegates should be possible and also acceptable. We will keep you informed.

All the best,



UPDATE 24 MAART 2020 12:56:14 PM

Following the news conference on March 23, 7.00 pm with the stricter measures, we are contacting the various authorities to find out what the possibilities are for us. The measures below are still in effect until further notice. We do our best to inform you as soon as possible via a new update.

Thank you,



UPDATE 23 MAART 2020 16:30:20 PM

In view of the further developments of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we inform you that due to the spread of the virus, the health and safety of the delegates and our employees will no longer be providing training until April 6.

We have tried, by applying various hygiene measures, to meet the demand of our clients for as long as possible, but unfortunately we had to decide otherwise. We deeply regret this.

Of course we are available for bookings after April 6 or other questions.

If your certificate expires during this period, don't worry! Below you can read what measures the various authorities have taken in response to the outbreak of the Corona virus:


OPITO has given the following opportunity for personnel, from who’s certificate expires the next 30 days, to apply for an extension of this certificate. This can be done by employers and self-employed personnel.


NOGEPA has already a standard dispensation procedure, of which you can apply for a 3 maximum of a 3 months dispensation. This procedure is extended with another 2 months due to the Corona crises. This means that you can follow a refresher course 5 months after your certificate expires in the coming period. This only applies for delegates who have already a refresher certificate. For delegates who need to refresh their basic training, there is a 2 months dispensation.


The Global Wind Organization has decided to extend the certificates for 60 days. This is applicable for the delegates who are not able to undergo the refresher trainings on time due to the Corona crises. This measurement is applicable until 1 June 2020. GWO states that this does not mean that the employees are competent in those two months, this is up to the judgement of the employer.

Orange Cross

The Orange Cross states that it is accommodating with expiry dates of certificates. We can conclude from this statement, that you can refresher your certificate on a later moment, if you are not able to refresh your certificate before the expiry date due to the Corona crises.


The NIBVH gives delegates the chance to refresh the certificates until 1 October. If these certificates cannot be refreshed between no wand the coming three months due to the Corona virus.


The SSVV has granted extension of certificates which expire after 12 march 2020 for a period of three months. This dispensation is applicable at this moment until 6 July 2020.


STCW certificates receive a 4-month extension of the certificate. The condition is that the certificate has not expired before March 1, 2020. So if the certificate expired before March 1, no extension will be given.


DELTA Safety Training will grant extension of certificates which cannot be refreshed due to the Corona crises.

We keep you updated!

Stay safe and healthy.


Posted by Delta Safety on 15 maart 2020 21:02:24 CET
On behalf of DELTA Safety Training we would like to inform you about the measures we take as a training center.
The courses will continue until further notice, but DELTA Safety Training has taken various measures to prevent further spread of the virus.

DELTA Safety Training follows RIVM's (The Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) advice on hygiene measures to prevent the spread of the Corona virus.

In case of complaints of a cold, cough or fever, we advise people to stay at home and to reschedule the training. This also applies to people who have been in a risk area in the past period.

Other measures that haven been taken;

  1. All trainers are informed about the symptoms and how to act if they suspect that someone in their class is showing those symptoms, in accordance with the regulations of the RIVM. This also applies to office staff.
  2. All staff have received instruction in accordance with RIVM in the field of personal hygiene and care.
  3. Posters were posted at all washing facilities in the company with a hand washing instruction.
  4. The cleaning frequency of things that are frequently touched has been increased (such as handrails, door handles and touch screens of the coffee machines).
  5. All towels have been replaced with paper towels
  6. The trainers and other staff ensure that everyone keeps a minimum distance of 1.5 meters from each other.
Measures taken course material;
  • Carefully cleanse of CA-EBS mouthpieces, Respiratory masks and Faces of the resuscitation dolls.
  • No more breathing during First Aid training.
With this we have taken adequate protection measures and course participants. Who do not show any complaints or who haven't been in risk areas are naturally very welcome to our training courses.
If you have any further questions, please contact our Customer Service Team. We can be reached at 010-2042255 or via e-mail at

nning DELTA

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